Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Saturday, March 31, 2012

No running today

Saturdays are the day I head to school for my chemistry lab. I dropped my A&P class, and will pick it up again in the spring. Which reduces my school load to chemisty and its lab.
I cleared the kitchen table this morning, and opened my lab manual to complete the three questions that are left from last weeks homework. I prop my legs upon the wooden,spindle chairs that accompany the used dining room table that some friends gave us several years again. As I move my left leg to the chair, I wince as the wood connects with the top portion of my foot. A slight bump should not cause pain like that, so I quickly remove my sock to see that the bridge of my foot it slightly swollen and a light color green.
I do not remember hurting it in any way! I ask Rod to look at it, he presses the bruised area(of course!), and flex's my foot as someone who has apparently delt with many injured feet would, and determined it is nothing major but I probably should not run today before something minor turns into something major.
I decided to be an "internet doctor" and google beginners running injuries and see if Dr. Rod's diagnosis is correct. From what I read, it can take sometime for your feet and ankles to build up a tolerence to running and them may ache, be swollen or slightly bruised. As long as there is no intense pain; shooting or throbbing, you are ok to continue in a day or two with taking an extra recovery day off inbetween runs.
More than slightly annoyed, I agreed because now that I have a plan to accomplish my goal I do not wanna injure myself!
So, well my guys are watching wrestlemania tomorrow night I will sneak down to the basement and have some "me" time on the treadmill!!

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