Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Monday, March 12, 2012

Time Away

Rod & I almost never go away together anywhere. To dinner down the street or a hotel three cities away; it is just an opportunity that does not present its self to us often. So, when this opportunity simply fell in our laps for a little R&R, we jumped at the chance!!

With a quick call to my amazing sister-in-law, we had a sitter for the week-end, and it was settled. Of course secretly, I fretted about money! Easter is coming and my sister is getting married in a week, how we were going to afford new outfits for these things plus a host of other things AND go up north for the week end too??

As the weeks drug on until the planned time away & a bizillion things went wrong!! Rod & I were frusterated and snapping at each other consently! We needed this!!!Although joblessness is not life nor death, it is extremely stressfull on our marriage and on our health's. I am so thankful that God has put yet more people in our lives to show us that He is still working, even when His schedule & mine do not agree.

Steph  invited Rod & I up north to a cute little cottage in January. We had began trying to plan a couple's getaway last year, so with both of our husbands birthdays approaching, she jumped at the chance to finally plan the get away as a birthday gift to them. And since we both have very demanding two year olds ( oh and other children too ha ha), this get away was necessary for them too!!

This was not the typical vaction most people dream of..we literally did nothing most of the time and it was simply fantastic!!!!

The simplicity of the cottage was what the Lord ordered for me to help refocus on some of the things I was struggling with and it was nice to relax and laugh. A few things that were lacking a bit in my life.

Our kids had fun having some time away from us too!! Being spoiled by Mamaw & Papaw and Aunt Stacy!! My daddy is a truck driver, and not home enough to take the boys for week-end for us. So, it is wonderful that Rod's parent step in to help us with this. Aunt Stacy keeps them at home, when they feel comfortable enough to sleep while we are away and make them fun treats & shopping for new toys. Its a group effort, but I know they are well cared for which helps me (and Rod) take a break for a minute.

I try to take care in not posting or blogging about things that I think may cause someone else to stumble. Too often, I have seen people intentionlly put things out there to make me or other jealous of what they have and others do not. It is hurtful and I do not wanna be "that" person.

Yet, I wanted to touch on this a bit because God can use other people to meet your needs without you exactly realizing. When I orginally said ok to going with Steph & Mike for the week-end, I began to frett about the money portion of the trip. Since money is something I often frett over right now, I was not sure how to make this work but I knew that Rod &I NEEDED a break from reality for a short bit. This was something we had to do to continue to cope with the stressful reality that we live in.

The closer the week-end got, as many things fell out of place, a few fell into place and I began to focus less on the money and the need to just recharge my batteries. As soon as I took my eyes off the money, that was when I allowed God to work. It's funny how we are often our own stumbling blocks and we restricked God from doing what He does best.."Supply all our needs according to His riches in Heaven".

So, as much as Steph would say " I did not do anything special", she did by simply listening to what the Holy Spirit was saying. Sometimes the calling is simple, to make a dinner for someone or send a card or a text. Other times it is more and often we have to say no to other things that we really want to do to do what God is calling us to do. I want to make no mistake in glorifying my friends, when it was truly the Lord speaking through them and they were just being obedient to the calling of God. How else would they have known we needed this so desperately right now at this particularly point in our lives?? They could not have!!

It is not easy to discern what we want to do verses what God is asking us to do.But God is calling...are you listening???


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so glad I was able to hear this one as I often wonder if I can hear him with everything else going on :) *love you guys