Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Saved by Grace

When I was younger my mom used to joke and say she failed mind reading class in High School. My mom did not finish High School, so that made this comment more funny coming from her rather than me, as almost college graduate.Yet, I find myself repeating this all the time.

In the same corresponding thought, never will  I achieved sinless perfection either. I get angry, hurt, and I lie, cheat and steal almost daily. I sin against the Father more often than I care to admit and I ashamed to say that I know I break His heart with my sin.

My "little" sin of lying Konnor that there is no more spicy pretzels, when I know there is a full bag behind the brown, oak cabinet door in the kitchen. Or when I tell Korbin to look I see super man to steal a french fry from his plate or when I step on the scale and cheat by moving around a little to get the number to look a little better than if I simply stood still. These are things we all do, but the bible says my sin is no different than your sin. No matter what it is.

The bible talks about pulling the plank out of your own eye before you go to someone else asking them about the plank in theirs. It seems to me that it would be nearly impossible to ever go to anyone about anything ever because we will never be sinless this side of heaven!! Yet, there is away to do this without seeming hypocritical or pompous.

The bible talks about loving your neighbor as yourself and going to speak to someone in love. Recognizing your own sins, whether it is the same sin or different sins, we all do it. It does not matter what it is or why the reason, God views all of our sins the same. By realizing that you are also a sinner, it brings a certain humility to your attitude and actions. It also shows that you are willing to extend to others the same grace that God offered to you.

That's me; Saved by Grace.

Without the Grace the God extended to me, I would be completely incompetent to do so much!! Philippians 4:13 says, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". See?? On my own accord, I could do nothing!

When I go to things I my own, I flop a & flub miserably.

I find that I especially flub when I do things out of anger instead of humility. The devil uses anger on this earth as a trigger point in so many of us, and it usually triggers other feelings that not only causes our anger to boil over and uses our insecurities, self doubts and many other emotions to make us spiral out of control. The devil thrives on chaos, since anger brings conflicting emotions, it creates chaos.

Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, not filled with anger & emotional chaos.

I want to live in the abundant life God has planned for me in 2013, not in emotional chaos the Devil causes for me. I want to live more in the Grace God has extended to me and that Jesus died for than the place where grace is just a word or a name, not an action. I want to be different in 2013, than I was in 2012, to be closer to the Lord. I want to be happier and to just be more "me".

Those who know me, really know me, are ok with me and love me for who I am. I have to get to the point where I view myself through God's eye's and love myself too.

Happy 2013, may the Lord bless you and may the face of the Lord shine upon you in this new year and bless you beyond your wildest dreams.


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