Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Thursday, January 24, 2013

And the answer is...

..To preschool.

Konnor will be going to preschool instead of doing preschool at home.

We took Konnor to preschool orientation last night. It seems like just yesterday I was asking myself to Preschool or not to Preschool with Korbin. Now, here we are making a completely different decision for Konnor.

I wrestled immensley with decision to keep Korbin home or send him to a preschool. After alot of thought and prayer, we kept him home. Konnor, on the other hand, is a completely different child than his brother.

He has so much personality!! He stopped napping at two whereas Korbin napped until four. Konnor has an amazing imagination, he often calls himself a space ranger or super hero. He loves pretending, reading and making "crafts" at church.

Konnor is a really loving little boy, he loved to hug and kiss and sit on my lap playing with my hair as we read together. I just downloaded some free books onto my kindle for him, and he has an amazing time using his finger to flip the pages over. Kon calls me his "princess" and his dad is his "superhero daddy".

Last week in church, Ms. Anne, the Sunday School teacher(SST) told me that Konnor was most improved in his attitude and attention span. He loves his "teacher" and runs full force to hug her when he see's her. Anne's face lights up with joy to see him, and they share a bond that I often see in SST's and "thier" kids. My SST's influenced my life, and still hold fond memories for me. I am so thankful to attend a church who pour into our kids and love them with an epic love!

I can not believe how much my little boy has grown!! Its hard to believe this little bundle of energy was diagnosed with failure to thrive at birth! Its amazing how God has already worked in his little life!

I am excited and terrified for this journey ahead, excited for him because a whole new world is going to open up for him. Terrified for me because just I seen it happen with his brother, sudddenly I am not his whole world anymore. I love being a mom! It was what God had planned for me all along, and I am excited my boys are healthy and able to go to school and play sports. Yet, its sad to me how quickly time passes.

The school we chose for Kon is AMAZING! The administors and teachers are kind, considerate and God-centered. The love thier job and "thier" kids. It is a wonderful extension of what Ms. Anne has created at church, and if it was not for her wonderful combination of love, disciple and education that God has given her; I would have not known that "thing" I was looking for in a school for Konnor.

God has amazing things planned for Konnor Rymon and preschool is just the beginning!!


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