Currently I take:
- 2 multivitamins
- 1200mg Calcium
- D-1000 iu
- Super B Complex with Folic Acid plus Vitamin C
- 500mg High Potency Vitamin C
- 1000mcg Biotin
- Sub lingual B-12(1 dropperful is 1ml)
CLA Benefits:
This week, I am adding a supplement that I use to take immediately after my surgery to help boost my energy levels. It was suggested by my nutritionist, and I followed her suggestion in blind faith. Over the years, I stopped taking it and now I wished that I had not.Since CLA cannot be manufactured in the human body, you must get it from your diet or a supplement. And your best dietary source of CLA is grass-fed beef. The information for further health benefits of grass feed beef you can go to The secret sauce in grass- fed beef.
- Cancer: Animal studies show that as little as 0.5 percent CLA in your diet could reduce tumors by over 50 percent, including the following types of cancer:
- Breast
- Colorectal
- Lung
- Skin
- Stomach
- Cardiovascular disease
- High blood pressure
- High Cholesterol and triglycerides
- Osteoporosis
- Insulin resistance: CLA’s actions actually mimic the effect of synthetic diabetic drugs. Testing on mice with type 2 diabetes have shown CLA to improve insulin action and reduce circulating glucose. Even better, the early results from human trials are just as positive, when consuming CLA for longer than eight weeks.
- Inflammation
- Immune system invaders
- Food-induced allergic reactions
- Body Composition: Exciting research with humans has shown that CLA has been beneficial in lowering body fat, with even greater improvement in those who combine exercise with dietary intake of CLA. Animal research has been even more promising, with significant improvements seen in both reducing body fat and in increasing lean body mass.
- Previous studies have shown that CLA reduces body fat while preserving muscle tissue, and may also increase your metabolic rate. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who took 3.2 grams of CLA a day had a drop in fat mass of about 0.2 pounds a week (that’s about one pound a month) compared to those given a placebo.
This week I will be adding 500 mg of L-Carnitive twice per day at breakfast and lunch.
L-Carnitine is an amino acid found in red meat. L-Carnitine acts as a shuttle, pulling fat into the cell so it can be burned as fuel. L-Carnitine will also give you energy and ease depression. If you feel better, you won’t want to overeat, and you might even get to the gym! Aim for 500 mg twice a day at breakfast and again at lunch. Don’t take this near bedtime because it could keep you awake. This is a safe supplement and won’t give you the jitters.
- L-Carntine helps Enhance Endurance; According to Vanderbilt University, some athletes seem to respond to the use of L-carnitine by gaining endurance.L-carnitine is also promoted as a supplement that enhances fat metabolism, which results in fat being burned as an energy source.
- L-Carnitine can also boost brain function;Deficiencies of L-carnitine can lead to premature aging of the brain, dementia, impaired cognition and other age-related disorders. According to Natural News, L-carnitine might also work to protect your brain against the deterioration and slow down that comes naturally as you age.
- Lastly, L-Carnitine may also protect the heart;According to certified clinical nutritionist Byron Richards, L-carnitine can help prevent or reduce the damage caused by free radicals in the body. This, in turn, keeps your arteries young, protecting your heart and lowering your chances of developing high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. If you would like to read more about L-Carnitine, head to Live
This ingredient is a known carb blocker and works great for those “off” eating days. Taken along with a high-carb, high-fat meal, white kidney bean extract will block those unwanted calories from being stored as fat. It will also keep your blood sugar balanced. Aim for 300-500 mg two times a day with meals.
I have talked before about how much I insulin I was taking to combat my Type 2 Diabetes's, so not only do L-Carnitine & White Kidney Bean Extract help boost my metabolism but they are not the prime reason I am taking them.
I promised myself I would never again put myself in the position to take that much insulin or poke myself that many time a day again! So, as I research these supplements the main focus was their blood sugar stabling abilities. Since my blood sugar has been flucuating recently, I am attracted to any safe method for reducing/stablizing my bloodsugar without looking my endocrinologist in the face with a look of disappointment for not control my diabete's better which has essentially been in remission, if you will, since I lost my first 100lbs.
Taking control of my regain is now more necessary than just the number on the scale or the size on my jeans.
Taking supplements has been a way of life for me since 2008 when I choose to have my gastric bypass.It is called a "malabsorbtive" procedure and I knew I would be taking vitamins, in one form or another, for the rest of my life. I have heard horror stories from others who have gotten comfortable and stopped taking thier vitamins, and those stories have scared me enough to keep taking mine, getting my labs done and adding/subtracting supplements as necessary.
I am looking forward to a new week and its new possibilities!! Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me"
Kristy, that is my one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Claim it girl!!
I hope i have the same luck, im at 220 and my surgery will be within 2weeks.After reading this post motivated me even more, now im soooo excited. I love your results, i had the same thoughts you did, im looking forward to the new me. Thanks for sharing….
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