I found this list and that it was totally cool that my feeling of doing something right balances with the actuality of doing something right!!
I am not sure about you, but that totally excites me!!
I came across this food list on a website I check when I need more information on listing the correct amount of calories/ fat grams/ carbohydrate grams/sugar grams etc, etc. Calories-in-Foods has an interesting article about a new trend called the "Negative Calories in Food" Diet. I had never heart about this before, so I read the article. I liked the list because it is alot of food I already use as a part of a healthy diet but it was nice to see because then I could use the list to pair up with food that may be a little higher in fat and calories than I may like.
For example, I had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. The chicken is packed with protein, and the bread is whole grain that is a good source of fiber. It is the mayo that is what did this normally healthy lunch in. So, I used my list to pair my sandwich with a slice of tomato and some watermelon. Did this totally make up for the mayo? Not entirely, but it helped to bring the nutrition levels down to something I was a little closer to being comfortable with.
The article explains, "What negative calorie foods are believed to be are in actual fact are foods that if consumed into the body either raw, or in a few instances cooked only slightly on their own with nothing added to them, will use more calories to process and digest than the amount that they contain. There are many foods that are known as metabolism boosting foods and these are foods that will burn calories when they are consumed because the body is forced to work that extra little bit hard to process, digest and actually extract the calories from them. In the case of negative calorie foods the concept is the same but these are already very low calorie so the number required for the body to burn will turn the total into a negative figure, pretty amazing huh?
Foods that have am overall negative calorie value generally contain vitamins and minerals that will produce enzymes that are able to break down the food's own calories and also further calories from the body in digestion too. This useful effect is referred to as 'the negative calorie effect'."
This list is not enough for me to make me go off the deep end and start only eating these foods! But, I can tell you from the time I posted it on the fridge and now, I have choose fruit as opposed to popcorn for a late night snack. So, its helps!
Most, if not all, of the foods on this list are considered complex carbohydrates too. I pair them with lean meats, as a part of my gastric-bypass diet or a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. It is next to impossible and disastrously unhealthy for you to remove all foods from your diet that have "carbohydrate" in the title. It is more productive to replace, starchy or empty carbs with complex ones. The complex carbs do double, sometimes triple duty, in fueling your body with adequate nutrition.
Always remember that you should "boost" your metabolism every third day or so with a starchy carb, like a potato or brown rice, because these items are healthy for you and offer your body energy and various vitamins. It is the empty carbs: like chips, candy and cakes that typically offer to much sugar into your diet and should be used sparingly.
I NEVER want to feel like I am missing out on the "fun" food to loose some weight and make my family healthier. So I found this blog:The green backs gal. She has this amazing recipe called the Carrot Cake Oat Stacks. They look amazing and since they are glutten free and sugar free, I will definitely being trying them!! I think I will bake some up for Korbin as a breakfast cookie, since I am always on the hunt for something that is good for him and quick to eat. I may also change out the banana and use some chunky apple sauce instead.
Oh! And of course omit the nuts!
If you try them, be sure to let me know what you think!!
~Kristy ~