Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Church at home

It sure has been a week here!! I have been sick since Wednesday, well I could "feel" it coming on Tuesday but I was in denail.
Konnor has not been sleeping well for a couple of weeks now, and the amount of times he was up verse the length of time began to become taxing.
Korbin began coughing on Wednesday and by that night was in an asthma tail spin. So on Thursday Rod had both boys at two different doctors.
On Friday, I still was feeling absolutely horrorible and went back to the doctor and got a steriod shot and post poned my dental extraction for another week.

Today, everyone is finally on an upward trend but still not at 100%. So the boys and I stayed home this morning from Church, while Rod went reluctantly without us.
There is something about going together as a family to church that I enjoy above all other activities we do. It is like a refreshing glass of water for our souls, where we each get what we need on our individual levels so that we can allow God to direct our paths for the given week. Yes, even the toddler.

Our new church has the BEST toddler program I have ever seen. Even in the infant room, the children recieve a story, prayer time and a "cuddle card" which talks about the story the the child recieved and how to cuddle & talk about God's word with your infant. then, when the 0-2 year old moves from the infant room to the toddler room, Ms. Anne celebrates the child's achievement with amazing excitement!!

Then the toddlers move over to "Tot Spot" where they get a more structured way of learning, that just expands upon what was done on the infant side to encourage there ever growing curousity with a safe enviroment to learn. Each child is loved on, taught, played with and given God's word to  hide in thier heart, even from age 2-4. Then, Konnor will get a similar type of graduation when he goes from the Tot Spot to the childrens wing as Ms. Anne walks the new grads into thier next phase of childhood at church. She and the other Tot Spot-ers do such a great job. I am so thankful for them, it is really hard to put into words how much my heart loves this ministry!!

Korbin has an equally wonderful experience in the "Food Allergy Friendly" childrens wing. No, this church is not perfect, but they are diligently trying to get it which helps me to be actually worship instead of sitting there wondering if someone was going to try and convince me again if there was no nuts in Honey Nut Cherrios. With Lori & Stan at the check-in, and host of other parents who deal with similar food allergy issues, Korbin is not the only person who carries an epi pen with him nor are we the only ones who know how to properly administer it. People are kind to him and care for him and never treat him differently because of his food issues. He tells us often that he feels respected because no one ever treats him as a bother of something he can not control. Which is another reason, I find myself loving the people at this church; because they love on my kids!!!

So for us to miss church for these reasons, and a great many other, is rather difficult on this momma. So rather than sulking and starting the day off a miss, I decided to give to God what He asks of us..some love & time. I grabbed up Konnor and we went to snuggle with Korbin and read some of Gods word.

I love this book because it meets both the boys where they is stories that are worded that Konnor can understand with pictures and at the end there is a group questions that can help me tie into Korbins life. Today's was "How to be a Man of God". We prayed with Rod before he left and while we should be in church we are watching some God centered DVD's instead of Mickey Mouse or Phineas & Feb.

In a day filled with giving med's, refilling juice cups and listening to the hum of the nebulizer it was nice to start this day as it should have been. I need to work more on giving God his time at home everyday, not just with the boys but to feed my own soul too. Life is a balance and with God on our side, we have the scales tipped in our favor!! May your Sunday be filled with His Love and Peace today!!

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