Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mindless Eatting

I sat down to write out some goals and mindless grabbed some of these lil bad boys! They look harmless enough and maybe if you ate one or two a day, they might be. But since I grabbed SIX of these and have a couple times a day since Christmas, I am wondering how often I actually mindlessly eat?

I remember when I first started my weight loss journey in 2007, I realized I was a plate cleaner. C'mon moms?! You all either know someone or have been a plate cleaner yourself at some point in your child's life. Ya know, you pick up your child's plate and see one or two pieces of food and since you have been crazy busy meeting everyone elses needs you forgot to meet your own basic need:FOOD! So, you grab a handle full of pretzels from Johnny's plate, a 1/2 eaten piece of cheese from Suzy's plate and gulp down the baby's left over pudding and your off and running again. You toss the clean plates into the dishwasher and continue on the mad dash of daily motherhood duties until dinner time,where the same thing occurs. Then at 10pm at night, you wonder why you are starving?? I have worked really hard to conquer my plate cleaning demon but I had not realized in it's place I had replaced it with mindless eating.

Does the food battles EVER END????

This morning I stepped on the scale for the first time since the beginning of December, 2011. I was horrified to see the reading of 263.9 at that time. I was so upset that I took the batteries out of the electronic scale and hide them from myself so these horrible torcher device could not threaten me again!! Until this was time to face the music. If I am gonna put an action place into place, I need to know exactly what I am battling again, right? Holding my breath, I stepped on to the scale and MUCH to my surprise, it said 260.3. OK! OK, I know that number is nothing to get excited about but admittedly so, it was better than I thought.

So here we go: Monday is MLK day and I do not dare start anything on a day that is not in schedule or a week-end. From past experiences, they are never a success. Tuesday is the day!! I will be doing something called the Five Day Pouch Test or 5dpt for short. It is away to retrain my pouch that was created from my stomach & small intestines during my gastric bypass. Each day is just like a phase that I was on from the first day of surgery until complete healing, thus regular food. It focus's on helping you recognizing to feel full again and protein/complex starch's. Each day has rules and regulations to help you achieve maximum success.It also includes regular/daily exercise. If you are interested, you can click on the link under blogs I follow for Living After WLS, and it will describe the 5dpt in detail but I will give more information each day as to what I will be doing. Until then, I am gonna continue on my daily supplements and water...I am back up to 64 oz's of water per day not including coffee or hot/ice tea that I drink. I have also not had any pop in a short while too.

Lastly, I am gonna put into check the mindless eating. I use to eat 6 small meals a day or every 2-3 hours. I was never hungry because I knew exactly when I was gonna eat again. I think it was a mind over matter thing, plus with this style of eating it kept my blood sugar in check too. I am not sure if I am ready to do this again, actually to be honest, I am terrified!! I simply do not want to fail!! By all accounts, I have lost more than 100 lbs and the weight loss surgery center has classified me as a "success". So the devil who sits upon my shoulder wants to know why I am gonna torture myself again. Even with weight loss surgery, loosing weight is hard work. I worked for every pound that I lost and will have to again. It is time consuming, painful and lots of work!! So WHY am I doing this again!!!

Because I am worth it!! That's why!!!


1 comment:

Beth G. said...

You are worth it!!!