Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keep it Clean Bathroom Plan

As I said in my Kitchen piece, I would be adding the bathroom to my speed cleaning routine.
Bathroom Cleaning To-Do List:
Every Day- 2 minutes!
Wipe out the sink (30 seconds).
Wipe the toilet seat and rim (15 seconds).
Swoosh the toilet bowl with a brush (15 seconds).
Wipe the mirror and faucet (15 seconds).
Squeegee the shower door (30 seconds).
Spray the entire shower and the curtain liner with shower mist after every use (15 seconds).
Every Week-17 minutes!
Scrub the tub (three minutes).
Scrub the tiles (five minutes).
Mop the floor (two minutes).
Wipe& disinfect the switch plates, doorknobs, and doorjambs (one minute).
Empty and wipe out the wastebasket (30 seconds)
Drains: Pour 1/4 cup baking soda down sink drain, then 1/4 cup vinegar. Let sit
for 5 minutes. Run hot water ( 5 minutes 30 seconds)
Every Season-One hour every three months!
Take down the shower curtain, then launder it according to the care instructions.
Empty, weed, and clean the medicine cabinet (20 minutes).
Perform "Shiny Sink 101" on the tub and sink.

Supplies to Keep in the Bathroom
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes: for cleaning sinks, tubs, tile, and the toilet exterior.
Daily Shower Spray: to prevent soap-scum buildup on shower walls.
OXO Good Grips Household Squeegee : for cleaning the shower door and mirrors.
Toilet brush with caddy.
Clorox ReadyMop: for floors.
Soft Scrub with Bleach: for scrubbing the tub and tile.
OXO Good Grips Scrub Brush: for scrubbing the tub and tile.
Bleach or an all-purpose cleaner: to use in the toilet-brush caddy.
Windex Glass and Surface Wipes: for mirrors and chrome.*

Don't forget when cleaning start at the top and move down, like cleaning the mirror first, then the vanity, the sink & wipe the doors of the vanity before sweeping the floors that way the dust and such move down so that you are cleaning in a pattern to get the best results out of your two minutes of cleaning.

Also, teach your kids that when they are done using the potty to close the lid prior to flushing the toilet. This minimizes the spread of germs when the toilet is flushed. One thing I always have to remind myself is that I not only need to have my bathroom clean but disinfected too. Which is why I always spray the toilet handle, and the faucet and tub handles along with any door knobs to Lysol epseciall during cold/flu season. I do not do this every day but every other day, at the very least once a week unless someone in my home has been sick. This add's another 30 seconds to anyday's cleaning routine.

*see scheduling the kitchen for the recipe to make your own glass cleaner!*

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