Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

25 little things Part III

This is the last part to my three part post of 25 little things that has blessed me, changed my life or I am thankful for this season. It has been a delight to walk down memory lane and remember how much I have changed or learned this year. I will never walk this way again and I am happy to take these moments to reflect to that someday I can re-read these posts and see how amazing God has been in 2012.

15.) This year one of the most horrific things that happened was the drowning of little Tru, my friend D's grandson. I will never, ever for get her testimony that starts with a phone call from her daughter in law. " D, Tru is dead". These are words you never want to hear about anyone you love, but a one year old little boy is alot harder to swallow. This story morphs from a tragedy into a miracle where God is definitely the Hero of the story! Moments after L. hangs up with her mother-in-law, she and her husband C. hit the flooring to praying and God heard this cries and over the next several days where their humanity was so unsure, God did what medical professionals said was impossible; healed Tru completely!! L. & C. never became angry with God,like so many of us would, me included. They felt honored and privileged that through this turn of events that God would use them to reach so many people and bring honor & glory to Himself. How they handled this tragedy changed my life forever! When things go wrong, and they inevitably will, that I need to handle them like a child of the King of Kings instead of a defeated victim of life's circumstances.

16.) So many times I look at my oldest son and see so much of his father in him. I love that but sometimes I wonder if he has anyone of my qualities or attributes. One day in October, that question was answered as Korb brings this large book, a note book and pencil with him as he snuggles up next to me on the couch. Then he starts giving me of the stars, and ends is 20 minute long fact session of much I did not know, with " I look up things in the encyclopedia & write them down during my free time." I smiled widely and asked him if he loves learning? In a typical boy response he replies he loves it, only if it is something he enjoys!! That is so me!! I love to learning and enjoy my classes very much!! I am praying he always loves school and has a zest for learning always. Unlike my sweet husband who stays far, far away from anything scholastic. It was nice to see a little bit of me in my son, and I was thankful that God showed me that being the right type of influence on the boys will pay off!!

17.) Everyday I get the most amazing kisses!! Chubby little boy are wrap around my neck and I get a peck on the cheek and my heart does that flipp flopp thing. I am constantly reminded how blessed I am to have two healthy little guys. Yes, they have food allergies and sometimes that gets overwhelming to deal with, but in the big picture of things it could be worse. God knew what He was doing when He gave us these two particular boys and I could not be more grateful because He entrusted their health & well-being to Rod and I. What a privilege and Honor!! There are some days that are extra special when I get chubby little girl arms to give me amazing hugs from my beautiful nieces. I love, love, love these girls!! I love the way they play with the boys; their cousins. I love their laughter. I love to relive moments of my childhood seeing them together reminds me of times with my sister. This year my around-the-block bestie had her little girl, and now I get lovies from sweet little S. too!! Little child hugs, kisses and laughter are truly one of God's best blessings and not to be taken for granted!!

18.) I said in a earlier post, I have been lucky enough to have the same best friend for most of my life. She has been there for my through thick & thin, literally and figuratively. This year, in March, she came up for a family wedding and I finally got to meet my sweet little L.!! She is a spitting image for her momma and this was one of the best week-end I had at that point, in a long, long time!! It was sweet to sit up and chat like we use to and chatting up in person rather than a short convo over the phone. The year my mommy died, I called her at 3am, and by 9am she had flown in from Tennessee and never left my side. Most of the days were a blurr but if it was not for her, I am not sure I would have made it through that. She stood in my wedding, and I in hers and we both waited by the phones to hear about babies being born. Having a friend like her, has changed my life forever, and who would have thought sitting next to someone in the 5th grade would change my life in this manor?!

19.) The church Rod & I haven chosen to attend is very spirit filled. I have never experienced the level of worship anywhere else. It is not just surface worship either, it is reading, studying, praying, memorizing and working (mission trips, fundraisers, food pantry, etc etc) to know God and worship Him enlighten of all that you know and do. I hope that I am explaining that correctly. I have known God through His scripture, through prayer and church attendance for a long time. But never, never have I entered into this style of reverent worship before. The praise and worship music, the open alter and "raising your hand until you reach the Heavens" are truly a new experience for both Rod & I. Its not something that we would trade for anything now that we have experienced it!! This church and these people have forever changed how I experience God.  Since Rod  got his new job, I have been really struggling with my health and because of that I felt that I did not give God the praise and worship that He deserved for bringing us through his completely horrible hardship. As I dealt with my guilt, I could here God calling to me, just worship me with everything you are because of everything I am. And as a true christain, I fought the feeling to just worship. Not because of God but because of me, for whatever reason you want to give, I just was not doing it. Two weeks again, my friend & confidant, C went to the alter hands raised just praising , praising , praising God. Before I realized what was happening I was kneeling next to her and I could hear the murmurings of her praising God. My heart was bursting as I asked for nothing and just submitted my will unto the Saviors and with my arms raised I just praised and worshipped Him. I am thankful for C.'s obedience to God because He truly used my friend to bring me to the place where I should have been all along. "I am here to worship".

20.) I am thankful for my family. Everything that they are and everything that they are now has made me who I am today. I was not an easy child, to say the least. Alot of things were happening around me that I did not necessarily understand but impacted my emotions and feelings just the same. I acted out accordingly. It has taken my a very long time to get past the guilt of how I treated people that I love, and caused them grief. The thing is that, I was a child. I acted and spoke as a child. As I grew up and became an adult, I put away childish things. Nothing was handed to me or done for me, I was an adult at a very early age because of circumstances beyond my control. I have forgiven those people in my life who made bad decisions for me and moved on. God has forgiven me for so much, who am I not to forgive others??? I love my family despite their bad decisions and realize/focus on the fact that it is not my job to judge others. I am not Jesus and have no desire to have His job. However, as an adult, I have to recognize that I am not now, nor ever going to put my children in the positions that I was put into. Just because I have forgiven and moved on, does not make me blind. I am thankful for forgiveness and new beginnings. Yet, do not stand there and ask me not to judge while judging me for not allowing my children to be apart of bad decisions. Despite my love for people, God has given me wisdom to parent my children with a particular set of directions and I will not waiver to raise them how God has directed.

21.)  Before I was born my mom gave birth to a beautiful little girl whom she & my daddy named Shelly. Shelly was born into this world, and passed from it in the same day. Its funny that in reality I am the middle child. That explains so much!!  Of the course of this year, my friend Steph often reminds me of what Shelly would be like if she walked with us today. I am not sure why I think/feel that way, I just do. Maybe it is how Steph genuinely cares about me & my family. Talked me through so many crazy situations yet she is willing to "be crazy" with me in the moment, that in a way reminds of mom. I am so thankful for those moments I get to see my mom in other people. God allows me these times to get through until I see her again in Heaven.

22.) This was the first year I hosted a table at our churches Christmas Tea for Ladies. More went into this than I can possibly tell you, but I truly loved every second of the night with my friends and family sitting at my table.I enjoyed the formality of it as well as the friendly atmosphere. More than that, I loved the Holy Spirit working!! As a teenage/young adult, my step mom taught me how to do a table scape and I was excited to use what she taught me, and share her tips & tricks with a few others. I am sorry to say, I thought at the time that I was never going to use the information. Little did I know that I would have such a God-centered way to use these skills?! I will do it again next year, and as many years as they allow me too!!

23.) I am thankful for the generosity of others! Through that generosity while Rod was unemployed we got to do some pretty amazing things like go to a Tiger game, and see the semi-pro soccer team in Auburn Hills. We had gone to a carnival, thanks to Uncle Gary and many other people helped us provide Christmas gifts to our boys. Plus several other things. People we so kind to us!! I am so thankful for those people and they know who they are, and I pray God will reward your kindness!

24.) As I wrap up my list, I am thankful for an attitude of gratitude. The Lord has allowed me to reflect on things and be in a state of constant thankfulness and praise. I am thankful to live in a country where I can freely read my bible and tell others how much my God has done for me. God has sent me messages of His word to encourage me when I am done and He has carried me when I could not walk alone. Today, I so thankful for who God has transformed me into and I pray I continue to be the person He wants me to be for His glory!

25.) As I did not put these in any particular order, I should have started this one because everything I am is a result of Jesus Christ and everything I aspire to be is because of how He bleed and died for me. I have never been loved like that, and everything I say and do is because of Him. Jesus has changed who I am from the inside out and has given me courage and strength beyond what I could possibly do on my own. He loved me when I was unlovable and carried me when I could not take care of myself and gave me endurance when I did not think I could endure anything any longer. He blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and gave me a future with Him when this life is over. I thought I knew Him until I fell in love with Him, and then I truly found out who Jesus is and though trails and hardships, Jesus never left me. He wiped away my tears, heard my prayers and gave me hope when I thought there was none. He has set the supreme example of who I am to be and although, I fail daily I am forgiven and have the ability to forgive others because of His forgiveness of me. Jesus changed my life and I am forever thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I will always be a follower of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The Great I Am and everything that was, is and is to come is because of Jesus Christ!!


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