Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Monday, December 3, 2012

25 little things Part II

This is the second part to 25 little things that I began the other day when I started to reflect on the things I was thankful for and things that changed my life over the course of the last year. These items are not in order of importance but rather than in order of what comes to mind at which time. IF they were is number order of importance, they would all be labeled #1 because they are all important to me! We left off on the other post with seven, so today we start with:

8.) Konnor looks at me with those crazy blue eyes of his & his chubby little cheeks and says, " W-our the best mommy in the wor-wa". It makes my heart melt into mush every time!! I am not sure how or why he started telling me I was the the best mommy in the world but it does not matter because I love it!!

9.) Relentless Detroit was a power lifting event organized to benefit a young boy with brain cancer. It started out as a thought and spiralled into this amazing God centered power house where people from all walks of life joined together to benefit a family struggling with Cancer but God used it all for His glory! This event is how Jesus would have loved on people if He walked the earth today. The wounded, the struggling, the tattoo'd, the mohawked, the Christian, the non-Christian, the givers, the donors,the receiver, family and friends just to name a few that were present that day and could feel the Holy Spirit working and changing lives through this event. It was definitely amazing to be a very small, small part of this event and it changed how I viewed being God's hand & feet.

10.) I am thankful for disagreements. Yeah, I said it. This year I had a hug disagreement with my dad & very close friend, and because of hard work, constant communication, commitment and prayer we are closer now that before. I love my dad, he is an amazing man, but we have never been on the same page. The older I get the more I am learning not to care! I have a dad, and he loves me. Sure, his plans for me are not always mine but he loves me enough to care. That is whats important and the rest, is just "stuff" that needs to swept up and thrown into the trash because in the bigger picture of life, it does not really matter anyway. I am lucky enough to have the same best friend for the last 25 years of my life. She gets me. She gets the fact that I do not trust people very easily because they usually end up hurting my feelings or not turning out to be the friends I thought they were. But because we live in different states, it is sometimes hard to do things together on a regular basis. So we both have friends we do things with on a regular basis, and over the past 3 years my around-the-block best has filled the spot. But this year, things changed and we were challenged in different ways. Through those challenges, a new trust emerged and today, things are not perfect but we both know that forever friends are there through the good & bad, and without this disagreement we would have never known that.

11.) Date nights with my hubby have been a saving grace this year. They are few & far between but I am so thankful for them because they help me to remember I was Rod's wife before I was Korbin & Konnor's mother. At my baby shower, my friend Melissa did the devotion and she urged me to make sure my relationship with my husband stayed strong because someday we the kids grow up and leave home, all we are going to have is each other and if we do not invest in each other today, tomorrow we will not be able to reap the rewards of the investment. These moments help me to regroup, and show me how much I love these times alone just to focus on him and he on me. I really do love my man, and although I tell him alot, these times help me to show him through uninterrupted conversation and time for us.It also helps us to be better parents.

12.) God's timing is perfect. He shows up right on time every time and I am always thankful for His divine wisdom that know exactly what you need when you need it.

13.) Every Thanksgiving on the day following we go to Canterbury Village and see Santa. The purpose of our visit is to buy our Christmas ordiments that reflect something that we done through out the year. This year Konnor bought a Toy Story ordiment because of his Toy Story themed 3rd Birthday and Korbin got Darth Vader because that is who he dressed up at for Halloween. Every year as we put up the Tree, we put up the new ordiments and the old ones that always bring up fun memories and stories about what has happened over the years. I am so thankful for memories!  Some make us laugh, the others make us cry but it is a special moment just to share this time together. One of the best parts of this tradition is that they boys get to pick out an ordiment but we always get to pick out an ordiment for them, we picked out a cross for Korbin because of his baptism this year and Konnor got a "hot-d-doctor" or a helicopter because of his love for them. Someday when the boys grow up and the love of thier lives is someone other than mommy, then they can take some of their memories with them to start thier new lives and hopefully this will be a tradition for their families, making memories together.

14.) If you would have asked me when I was younger what I wanted to do, I would have told you I wanted to be a nurse. It was not until after my mom died, I figured out that nursing was exactly where I wanted to be! I thought I could have combined my business classing with nursing , and go into hospital administration. Then, after I had Korbin and I began staying home with him rather than returning to work I realized my "true" calling in life. I would have a dozen children if I could, but that appears not to be God's plan for me. Although I work part time now, I still consider myself a stay-at-home mom because I am with my boys more than I am not. Of course, I would ~not have it any other way! I am so thankful to be a Stay-at-Home Mom. The doctor the other day said, " So your just a house wife". I smiled politely because NO! I am so much more than just a house wife. I do not envy my motherhood counter parts who have to work full time and mother after work or on the week-ends. I do not judge them either. I am simply thankful for my calling and recognize that others have different calling and/or circumstances and can not for any number of reasons do what I do, because many of them would love too. I do not take it for granted, and I do not view being a SAHM as something less than amazing because a pay check does not accompany my title of everything to everyone at all times. Rod told me once that he prayed that God would allow me to be at home with our children full time until they no longer needed me. Ha ha I am nor sure he knew how long it would be until they no longer needed me because Korbin is now 8, and sometimes is seems that he needs me more now than he ever has before! God has chosen to honor Rods request in both good times & bad.

Look for part III soon!!!


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