My current weight as of Saturday was 215. One hundred and sixty five pounds lighter than I was this time last year, and in one month, I will be celebrating the beginning of my journey- December 6th.
My body is regressed to this overwhelming tiredness state that I seem to be drug into every couple of months. As if my body is trying to catch up with it's current weightloss. Which I admit, has not been as much lately as I might have hoped.
I have slacked recently on my diet and exerise goals, and just got wrapped up in life as I know it. Now, I am jumping back on the ban wagon with both feet to attempt to get off this last 36 pounds. I had hoped to be at my goal weight by Dec. 6th, however, as quick as I had lost some of this weight I am certain I did not loose 36 pounds in one month!! If I get to 25 from goal(which is a loss of 7 pounds this month) I will be ok, but I'd really like to be at 23.
Which would leave me at 24 to loose in order to reach goal but January 29th, my one year surgery anniversary. I think these goals are reachable and attainable. If I get my butt back in gear!!!
The weather here was great today, so Korbin and I took a walk in the park this after noon. I think it was a half or 3/4's of a mile, not sure but I was nice to be outside enjoying the autumn air. Some exerise is better than none, right?!
I am trying to be happy with the success that I have had but all I can think about is getting to be under that 200 pound mark. In all honestly, I can remember the last time the scale read under that number with me standing on it. It was while I was in high school, and that was more 12 years ago!!
In closing, someone said to me the other day that my goal weight was still too much (179 lbs), I should be striving for 140 or under. I thought for a moment and said " 179 will be good for me, it's not 379! I won't be over weight nor will I be under weight, my weight will be just right for me" And I smiled.
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