Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Keep it Clean Bathroom Plan
Bathroom Cleaning To-Do List:
Every Day- 2 minutes!
Wipe out the sink (30 seconds).
Wipe the toilet seat and rim (15 seconds).
Swoosh the toilet bowl with a brush (15 seconds).
Wipe the mirror and faucet (15 seconds).
Squeegee the shower door (30 seconds).
Spray the entire shower and the curtain liner with shower mist after every use (15 seconds).
Every Week-17 minutes!
Scrub the tub (three minutes).
Scrub the tiles (five minutes).
Mop the floor (two minutes).
Wipe& disinfect the switch plates, doorknobs, and doorjambs (one minute).
Empty and wipe out the wastebasket (30 seconds)
Drains: Pour 1/4 cup baking soda down sink drain, then 1/4 cup vinegar. Let sit
for 5 minutes. Run hot water ( 5 minutes 30 seconds)
Every Season-One hour every three months!
Take down the shower curtain, then launder it according to the care instructions.
Empty, weed, and clean the medicine cabinet (20 minutes).
Perform "Shiny Sink 101" on the tub and sink.
Supplies to Keep in the Bathroom
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes: for cleaning sinks, tubs, tile, and the toilet exterior.
Daily Shower Spray: to prevent soap-scum buildup on shower walls.
OXO Good Grips Household Squeegee : for cleaning the shower door and mirrors.
Toilet brush with caddy.
Clorox ReadyMop: for floors.
Soft Scrub with Bleach: for scrubbing the tub and tile.
OXO Good Grips Scrub Brush: for scrubbing the tub and tile.
Bleach or an all-purpose cleaner: to use in the toilet-brush caddy.
Windex Glass and Surface Wipes: for mirrors and chrome.*
Don't forget when cleaning start at the top and move down, like cleaning the mirror first, then the vanity, the sink & wipe the doors of the vanity before sweeping the floors that way the dust and such move down so that you are cleaning in a pattern to get the best results out of your two minutes of cleaning.
Also, teach your kids that when they are done using the potty to close the lid prior to flushing the toilet. This minimizes the spread of germs when the toilet is flushed. One thing I always have to remind myself is that I not only need to have my bathroom clean but disinfected too. Which is why I always spray the toilet handle, and the faucet and tub handles along with any door knobs to Lysol epseciall during cold/flu season. I do not do this every day but every other day, at the very least once a week unless someone in my home has been sick. This add's another 30 seconds to anyday's cleaning routine.
*see scheduling the kitchen for the recipe to make your own glass cleaner!*
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Weight loss surgery fights PCOS
The definition the web md gives for PCOS is : "Polcystic ovary syndrome is a condition in women characterized by irregular or no menstrual periods, acne, obesity, and excess hair growth. PCOS is a disorder of chronically abnormal ovarian function and hyperandrogenism (abnormally elevated androgen levels). It affects 5-10% of women of reproductive age. PCOS is also called the Stein-Leventhal syndrome."
I was diagnosed with PCOS five and half years ago when I went to see my ob about birth control prior to getting married. At the time, I did not think very much of it, I was more concerned with the act of getting married than what would happen once we were married. However, the birth control helped to regulate my cycles therefore eliminating the issue, at least in my own mind. Then, after a frightening eight hour ordeal in the local ER for chest pains at the age of 28, I was removed from my birth control for fear of pulmonary embolism with my family history and current medical status (morbidly obese, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol).Thus, dissipated any control I had over my monthly cycles.
In January when I had my wls, my cycles began happening like clock work, up until my seventh month post-op. In this month, my weight loss began to slowed to a steady nothingness, and my attention to food and exercise gave way to life's happenings.
At first, I (again) did not pay much attention to my body's signals. I thought my body just needed a minute to catch up to it's rapid weight loss. However, what was actually happening was when I increasing my carbohydrates by not paying attention to my diet then my body also increased it's insulin Resistance. And when I also stopped exercising as much, the insulin was not being regulated in this way either thus the slowing in weight loss and extreme hunger.
So, when my body was not using the insulin properly the excess insulin was thought to boost androgen (Elevated levels of male hormone)production by my ovaries and irregulaating my cycles yet again.All of this means that even though I have lost 148 pounds, which is a significant amount of weight, it is not enough!! This is/was extremely frustrating!! Even at that weight loss, I still am considered to be "obese" (can you believe it???) and need to move my weight to the low end of over weight or the high end of the normal range in order for my PCOS to possibly regulate it's self. Even then, there is no guarantee of that. However, daily exercise and a diet low in carbohydrates is what the Mayo clinic recommends in order to fight this disorder without medication or in addition too it.
So, it is back to chicken and fish for me along with a daily trip back to the gym. I guess I thought I was in the clear, since my diabetes has been in check since the surgery. However, it still appears that I am fighting PCOS( along with 1 in 10 women in the united states). I live in hope that once I hop back on the treadmill, my PCOS will hop back into remission.
What is ironic to me is that if it was not for wls, I would not have the tools to fight PCOS because I would not be in the gym, I would not be eat ting a diet low in fat and carbohydrate's and I would not be free of type 2 diabetes thus showing the symptoms on PCOS instead of diabetes in order to properly treat this.
Yes, I am severely concerned because I guess I though when the diabetes was gone so were my issues. But, I guess that is what I get for thinking?! I am just thankful that the Lord put into my life a team of Doctors that listen to what I am telling them and work to treat my symptoms in a timely, professionally manor. Dr. Mickelson and Dr. Rosenblatt have never discounted me as a needy over concerned person in which I am a dollar sign instead of a person. They are caring and concerned for my well being, and for that I am completely grateful that through their training I am getting the best care available.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
More Kitchen stuff
Drains: Pour 1/4 cup baking soda down sink drain, then 1/4 cup vinegar. Let sit
for 5 minutes. Run hot water down drain to flush through to refreshen garbage disposal
Make Kitchen ABC(anticbacterial cleaner)
I never would have ever thought of making my own cleaner but in effort to stretch my budgeting dollar, I found this web site & recipe of "green" kitchen abc:
"Why make your own cleaning products? Why go through the bother? To save money and protect the environment, of course! You can pay upwards of $4 for a bottle of cleaning spray or, you can easily make it yourself for less!
Elana’s Kitchen Cleaner
1 (16) ounce spray bottle
8 ounces peroxide
8 ounces water
5 drops tea tree oil
5 drops lemon oil
Pour all ingredients into spray bottle
Shake well
Spray on counter surfaces and wipe with a clean rag
You can see the price difference between making your own cleaning product and purchasing it:
DIY Spray (initial cost includes price of bottle)
$3.57 for 16 ounces
DIY Spray (refill cost)
$1.70 for 16 ounces ($.09 per ounce)
Fantastic All-Purpose Cleaner
$4.86 for 32 ounces ($.15 per ounce)"
Or, if like me, you can reuse the Fantastic bottle and cut down your initial cost!! Plus the convience of refilling when you need it instead of having to wait until grocery day or making a special trip to Target! Cha-Ching!! Please deduct 5.00 from my grocery bill!!!
Make your own Glass Cleaner too!
Homemade Glass Cleaner Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol,1 cup water,1 tablespoon white vinegar
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Scheduling the Kitchen
When cleaning the kitchen always start with the sink. A sparkling sink becomes your kitchen's benchmark for hygiene and tidiness, inspiring you to load the dishwasher immediately and keep counters, refrigerator doors, and the stove top spick-and-span, too.
Every Day- 4 1/2 minutes!
Wipe down the sink after doing the dishes or loading the dishwasher (30 seconds).
Wipe down the stove top (one minute).
Wipe down the counters (one minute).
Sweep, Swiffer, or vacuum the floor (two minutes).
Every Week-21 minutes per week!
Mop the floor (five minutes).
Wipe the cabinets, backsplashes, and appliances (10 minutes).
Wash the dish rack (four minutes).
Wipe the switch plates and phone (one minute).
Wipe the inside of the garbage can (one minute).
Every Season-1hour 25 minutes every three months!
Empty and scrub down the inside of the refrigerator (30 minutes).
Empty and clean the insides of the utensil drawers (15 minutes).
Scrub down the cupboard exteriors (30 minutes).
Clean the stove-hood filter (10 minutes).
Perform "Shiny Sink 101"
Shiny Sink 101
Adapted from (a.k.a. Marla Cilley)1. Fill sink to the rim with very hot water; add one cup regular bleach. Soak for one hour. 2. Drain and rinse thoroughly. 3. Scrub with Ajax, Bon Ami, or baking soda. 4. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. 5. Shine with Windex or another glass-cleaning spray. Dry thoroughly.
Cleaning Supplies to Keep in the Kitchen
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes: for all hard, nonwood surfaces. They leave a fresh, nonchemical scent.
Windex Glass and Surface Wipes: for windows and chrome.Bleach. (See Shiny Sink 101.)
Ajax, Bon Ami, or baking soda. (See Shiny Sink 101.)Microfiber cloths and mops for an alternatives to chemical cleaners and paper towels. For cleaning all surfaces. Especially effective for polishing stainless steel.
Clorox ReadyMop: Wash the floor without a bucket. Works on most surfaces.
Broom, Swiffer, or handheld vacuum: for crumb busting.
Ok, so I think I can handle 4 1/2 minutes a day. And it is my goal starting tomorrow to clean in this manor at the same time everyday. Like after breakfast, sounds like a good place to start!
PS. I did not find those books by Emilie Barnes I was looking for but would like too! Maybe for christmas,eh?
Darkenss and Light
That is exactly the way I feal after having weight loss surgery, I lived in the darkenss for so long and then after I had wls I muddled through for a while until I finally got to where I was happy with myself, my life and my weight. Then life happened, and I was tossed into the air dealing with these happenings. Now, I am at a cross roads as to what to do next or where to go to be "back in the light" again. I feal as if I have finally delt successfully my most of my past issues, and now it is the issues of the moment that are weighing me down. I guess I thought that my life has been so full of issues, heartache and sadness that maybe it was my time to have happiness, love and success. How foolish of me!! Happiness again, is just beyond my graps. Maybe this is the burden I am meant to bare. Maybe having success in life will never be achievable to me.But what ever my destiny is I know that I walked in light for a moment and that was enough to make my search in pursuit of it for the rest of my days until I find it again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
43 to go
Monday, October 13, 2008
Schedule Frustration
I have agreed to homeschool Korbin for preschool, and this is literally kicking my butt. I am wondering with each passing day when Christmas break is going to get here. However, if I don't get it together, there will be no christmas break because we will be too far behind. As it is now, I feel as if I am working 24/7, by christmas without a break I will be insane for sure.
For along time after my surgery, I felt a since of peace because my outsides were finally starting to match my insides, physically. Then I began cleaning my home and my emotions to help them to match my new physical inside/outside person.Getting rid of alot of the junk that was laying around my home and my heart gathering dust that I did not need anymore. However, now I feel like I am back to this inside/outside cluttered wreck. That sense of peace is gone and I am crying these days at the drop of a hat. I am not sure where I took the wrong turn, but I need to get back to the express way and quick!!!
My schedule, my life and my emotions are outta wack again, and who knows for what good reason? Did I take on too much with homeschool Korbin? Possibly, but it is such a sense of joy when it gets accomplished. Did I take on too much period? Maybe, but exactly what mother doesn't? All I know that it is taking far too long to identify the problem, than I have to fix it. The question at hand is, what to do about all of this madness?My first inclination is to give up my schedule and decide what needs to go. Then, what needs to stay. And then what needs to be added. Then, I need to create a school/Korbin schedule, A home schedule and then a Kristy schedule and mesh the three together. It sounds so simple. Almost too simple, in fact. But it is too simple to actually work...............
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Just for Fun
Ever wonder, What would your name be if Sarah Palin was your mother? Check out this site, it's all in the name of fun!
If S.P was my mom, my name would be Molten Contra Palin...he he he. That is totally something I would use too!! Lol!!
What would your name be???