Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Link

So, since my wls I have been on a mission to cook things for my family that are healthy and tasty. I am sick to death of all the high fat, preservative filled foods out there that we fill out lives with in the name of convience, or budgeting or lack of knowledge. All three I am guilty of. I want my child(ren) to grow up with a well rounded pallet for things that taste good, are healthy and are enjoyable to eat. When we sit down for dinner, I want to rest in the fact that I am doing something right for my family. Not just something easy.
Ideally, I would buy completely organic things for my family. However, at this stage in the game, we are very budget conscious. Which means, I must take into account how much money I have to spend each week on groceries, wether to buy fresh or frozen chicken.Much less organic, low sodium, low fat options. But I believe there is a way to get it done, I just have to find it!
With all that being said, I am adding a page to my new website called recipes,and another called tips. In these pages, I will list recipes that are budget friendly, family friendly, and healthy. In the tip section, I will share some of my knowledge of comparison shopping, kid friendly finds and any misscellanious tid bits I find that you might be interested in.
As a wife, I want to cook things that make my hubby wanting more when he leaves the table and as a mom, I want to leave the table knowing I just gave my son something that will help him to stay healthy. But, I just really have no idea how to do this.In my experience, it is either good for you or tastes good. Not both. I am in a search for both and will not settle for less. Please check out this section often, as I am just begining it's induction into life and would enjoy your thoughts, feed back or comments. I feel as if I have been set forth on this journey for a particular reason, and if helping just one other person fight childhood obesity, juvenille diabetes, Type II diabetes, heart disease or any other disease or illness that is directly effected by diet and exerise, then I will have fulfill a personal goal of someone else avioding the heart break and tragedy I have been through regarding some of these situations.
I am not a professional anything, no doctor, no nutritionist just chief cook and bottle washer for one very picky extended family and preschooler.Anything that is listed on this site will be for personal use only. Enjoy!!

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