Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The heart

Today was my first day at my new part time job.
When Korbin was about 3, I started a home care position working for a friend. I worked with the elderly and had 3 clients. I enjoyed it alot but did not actually earn anything because taxes were not taken out of my check, nor was I paid for mileage. So, by the time I drove and paid my taxes, I only earned about 2.50 an hour  in addition to only working 10 hours a week or so.But it helped out a friend who ran the business, and I LOVED the people I worked with but at tax season what was momentarily made was given back to the government. So, this is my first real partime job, complete with taxes taken out & all, since before Korbin was born.
I watched 3 hours of training video's, took a tour of the store, and was given a schedule.
Once I received the schedule, it all became very real.
I was very thankful to God for the experience, but my heart was really in four different places.
Your physical heart is approximately the size of your fist. Is divided up into 4 chambers:the right and left atrium and the right and left ventricle.
My emotional heart was equally divided into 4 different places today, the physical place I was, the place where my emotional heart will always be: with my husband & boys, and specifically two people my sympathetic heart ached for that I could not seem to get off my mind today.
Your heart beats approximately 120 time per minute. It pushed blood through your entire body, along with oxygen, to keep your other organs healthy and to you moving as you should without thinking about it. But when your heart hurts, that is all you can do it think about it. And when it hurts for someone else, all you can do is think about them.
One of the most amazing things about being a Child of King Jesus is that you do not always have to be extremely close the people you hurt for, you just have to be willing and able to love others as Jesus would.
The bible often talks about us as being the body of Christ, and when one part of the body hurts so does the rest of the body. A good example Rod once used when he preached was that if you stub your toe, the toes is relatively small in comparison to your arm, but when it hurts the whole body hurts.
Today, I am thinking about two friends who have figuratively hurt their toes, and as a result, the entire body hurts. As an individual, my heart hurts.
Rod often calls me a bleeding heart, and in this occurrence, I feel that term is accurate.
Just like when you get a scrap and the blood flows from the cut, you "feel" it.
I feel for my friends who have very serious health issues facing their families, and I feel the hurt I have for them flowing from my heart as it aches for them!!
 My schedule for the next week is 4 hour shifts most everyday, but the HR tech is extremely willing to work around my crazy life, and I am SO thankful!
Rod has not heard anything yet from the jobs he interviewed for last week, but we are still praying and optimistic.
God has never left us without a plan, so we know He has one for us, just like He has one for my friends. We continue to pray and seek His will.
For us and for others, because no matter what the circumstances God is Good all of the time.

God's Promises for You: I Will Never Leave You nor Forsake You
Hebrews 13:5-6


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