Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Monday, February 13, 2012

No books, No problem!!

Everything I do lately has a bump in the road.

The Devil is really fighting me about leading this Power of a Positive Mom's small group. At the end of the first meet & great session, Konnor tripped me and I landed face first in the hall way. I totally lost my temper and made him sit while he cried his eyes out there in the hallway. "Some positive mom you are ?Right!"

And now there is another bump in the road with ordering the books: shipping. Great price but takes f o r e v e r!! So, we are suppose to meet this week to go over chapter what do we do?

Well, at the end of the chapers is talks about: Read. Pray.Do. So, let's start there!

Read: Read Romans 12
How do these verses encourage you as a mother?
Underline or Copy the significant verses. Chose one portion of the chaper to memorize.
(My hint: I write them on 3 seperate index cards. I post one on the fridge. One on the bathroom mirror & carry one in my pocket with me.)

In the book, the Author writes out a Prayer. I want us to ask the Lord to make Romans 12 speak to us as we search how to become a positive mom..the author writes "Please help me to remember that my job is significant and eternally important. Help me to glorify you as I work, play, change diapers and make sandwiches each day." Wow!! I so need to do that!

On a large index card. Write out your job description as a mother. Be creative and include all your responsiblities (My hint:Write as it pertains to your role as a mother & yes, this inclues being a wife & if you work outside the home include that too!)
After you have done this, look up & write out colossions 3:17, use is as a constant reminder of your jobs significance and who your emlpoyer is.
We will discuss in group, how Colossions 3:17 impacted your description..would you change anything? Bring your index cards with you on Friday.

I am praying for each one of my small group ladies. As you know you are being lifted up in prayer, make it a goal to pray from another fellow mother this week. If you are not part of my small group but would still like me to pray for you, please let me know!! It is my sincerest privilage to pray for my friends and those I love!!

Please look for another small group post on Wednesday, we do not have our books yet but we are on our way to being a Positive Mom!!

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