Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Small Group

"This class is geared towards moms of kids 10 and under. Play Group /

Devotional time for moms & their kiddo’s. 45-minute play group for kids
while mom’s chat & do short devotion while answering mom’s need’s for a
play group & adult time."

This was the description in the Life Group book for the small group I am leading starting this Friday, Feb 3 starting at 10am. This week we are gonna begin to get to know each other and look at the book authored by Karol Ladd. I read this book as a first time mom, and it really helped me to look at the choice to be "just a mom" or a "Positive Mom". Since as a mom, you have the power to make or break your child(ren)s entire day, I wanted to get it right. Unfortunately, there are still alot of days I get it wrong, so when the opportunity to lead a small group kinda landed in my lap, I thought what a great way to refocus my motherhood and shift gears into the positive atmosphere. Plus, who doesn't like to take a road trip with their gal pals?! So what a trip to take, something that makes a REAL difference- the road being a positive mom!!

I am so excited to share with these ladies what God has spoken to me about, and to learn from them what God has done or is doing in their lives. I have never lead a small group and I am not sure exactly how all of this will go,especially since this small group is also a part play group. But what I do know, is that with God being the real leader of this group, we collectively can not go wrong since "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I will be also".

I am looking forward to Friday and if you need more information because you are in the area and would like to join us, please email me through my private email or comment below and I will get you the information you need.

Have a great evening friends, and may this be the beginning of a positive night for you as well!!

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