One of my goals for 2011 was to read my Bible more. As the days progress, this reading has given way to morning devotions with Korbin before school. Last year, Rod and I bought a devotional book for Korbin that we really love! Korbin really liked it because there was a picture of a boy playing soccer on the front cover that sparked his interest! It was on from there. In the beginning we would faithfully sit down in the evening when Konnor was just and infant and go over the book. We would pray at the end and spend about an hour or so going over this book and seeing what the Lord was saying to our little boy. More often than not, the Lord was saying something to us too, and it was a sweet time together. As Konnor got older, it got harder to do the devotions in the evening and it gave away to bath, bottle, book, bed. I missed our time together and as I began school myself, I really noticed a difference in the days that I made time for the Lord than when I did not. So, since there was a week in between Korbin going back to school and when I did, I made a commitment to do his devotions with him in the mornings. The devotions are about 5-10 minutes long, then we pray together and invite the Lord to be apart of our day. I wish I could say that each day comes and goes with ease all because we start our day with God but in reality, I just feel more equipped to handle what goes on in my day than I did before. It takes alot of work on my part: making sure lunches are packed the night before, clothes are laid out and books are together. Yet, somehow I do not seem to mind. I love hearing what is on Korbins heart and seeing all of the work that Sunday School Teacher and Junior church worker pour into him with love come out. It gives us a way to communicate and start our day on the "right" foot. It makes me sad that Rod is on his way to work during such a sweet time, but it also makes me feel good for him that we as a family are uplifting him in prayer each morning. What he does for our family by working everyday is important. Not only financially but called by God to be the "provider"for the "weaker vessel(s)". I want our boys to see, know and understand that this is not to be taken for granted since they themselves will be men *Sigh* someday. By giving our day to the Lord, it almost makes a crazy, hetic morning a little easier. Notice I said almost.It is hard to chase Konnor around and get his coat and hat on, get a slow moving six-year-old to get his coat, shoes and back pack and get out the door to warm up and clean up off the car. Instead of loosing my cool and telling Korbin for the 18th time is two minutes to get his stuff together and head for the door. I ask for the "peace of God which passes all understanding" to be apart of our day and asking Korbin to find his focus and obey quickly. Somehow, it seems to get done. I am just asking the Lord to help my focus not to loose focus when next week I begin school as well. I love being a mommy! It is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me! I hope that by giving our day over to Him, that he can see my thankfulness for such a great gift!
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