Since Korbin was 2 we have been bumbarded with questions about when Korbins is going to school? Everytime I tell this unassuming person that he is not going to preschool, I will homeschool him until the fall when he will go to kindergarden at 4 3/4 instead of 5. Insert dirty look or unkind comment here. Then this person will continue to tell me how wrong I am and that Korbin needs "social interaction" and that we don't want him to become one of those "crazy home schooled kids".Insert stress here. I have been so overwhelmed with these comments recently that I do not know which way is up! I feel in my heart that I should keep Korbin home with me one more year. Yet, I have found myself checking into the lastest and greatest preschools only to find myself more stressed and confused than ever before. I believe I am completely capable and compident to teach him his preschool material. I,too, know how to count and my ABC's. First, we simply can not afford $1500-$5000 for preschool. Yes Folks! That is really how much it costs!! Second, because of where Korbins b-day is the local preschools want to put him in three-year-old preschool instead of four-year-old-preschool. Which is just asking for him to get bored and cause trouble. At his third b-day, Korbin could count to thirty, knew all his ABC's, could color, cut, and glue(not perfectly but well enough for him to pass the kindergarden test), tell his address, phone #, parents names and cell#'s, dress himself with pants and shirts, knew his first, middle and last name and can recognize his first and last name, put together a 24 piece puzzle alone, sorts things by shapes and size,talks in sentences and all of the rest of the 54 things that are on the test to enter kindergarden with the exception of going to the bathroom by himself. Third, again because of where is birthday is he either enters school early or late. And in the preschool world he would be the oldest child with his birthday being less than 60 days after school starts and will know more plus some than the other kids and will be bored with the entire process rather quickly.Which means we would be paying money for absolutely nothing. Fourth, Society pushes kids entirely way too hard too early. Once you enter school at age 3 you are in school until approx. age 22 when you graduate from college. Where is thier childhood exactliy?? If I keep him home I can structure our day and routine where there is time for fun, learning, child interaction, alone time, time with mommy, and protect some one is childhood well I can. All to soon he will be off and running and there will be no time for silly little games, time to sit together reading and enjoy his time at home. The question I wrestle with is : Am I robbing him of the experience? Am I doing it for him or for me? Regardless of what I want, is this the best decision for him? I am not against sending your child to preschool if he/she needs it. However, Korbin is the exception rather than the rule. He has been an over achiever since birth and done everything, again except going to the bathroom, on his own ie, deciding he did not want a bottle any more or early, ie talking, putting puzzles together and counting to 20 at age 1. He is a great kid and would be comic relief to any teacher. The question remains- To Preschool or Not to Preschool??
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