Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Off track or on track?

I am sooooo close to loosing 100 pounds its crazy!!!!!!!! Each day I step on the scale and wait to see if the magic number appears. Each day I am disappointed or frustrated with the results. Once I meet my hundred pound accomplishment(which is nothing to sneeze at, I have to remind myself), then I will have 85 more to go to meet my goal. Can you imagine that by September I could be at my goal....that is if I get my tail in gear! Lately, I have just gotten into a routine of not logging my food and not getting my exerise in. I am frustrated with myself and the lack of results that I see, and have no one to be upset with but myself. This tiredness that I feel is overwhelming and clouding my brain. I just can't seem to kick it. I really wanted to make this month count in terms of weight loss, I wanted to make up for May's terrible loss. But, unless a miracle happens, it is not going to happen. In order to get myself back on track, I began yesterday logging my food. Instead of using a pen and notebook, I have started using a website called The Daily Plate. It is preety cool, that I can just type in my stuff a couple of times a day and see what I have eatten and it's nutrition information. It saves on my time and sanity. Monday, I totally blew it at the not even going. Korbin did not get up until 10am and I finally had sometime to spend in my bible and devotion. Tomorrow is a new day, and I will make it to the gym! Mainly because Rod &I have paid money for Korbin a preschool swimming class, and I can't see wasting the money by not going. If I can get there tomorrow, then all is not lost. I really like going to the gym and working out, the main battle is getting there! In the beginning it was not this rough, I was completely motivated and dedicated, then the extreme exhaustion kicked in. Ahhh...out of all the complications to have with wls, that is one I would have rather have as opposed to something more serious. Sunday, is my 5 month post-op anniversay and I will weigh in for the last time for month #4, so I am holding out hope that I can loose that last five pounds...........

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