Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Batters Up

Baseball season is in full swing here, and apparently we eat, sleep & breath it!

Korbin has been playing t-ball since he was four, but this is the first year that he has really loved it. I am not sure if it because he is more confident, or because his dad is coaching or if because this is his 2nd year on farm he gets to "do" more.
Korbin in the catching gear

We have baseball practice three nights a week and when games begin, we will have games 2-3 times a week plus one batting/ "issues" practice ( an issues practice is where the team goes over any reoccuring issues that the coaches see in order not to recreate them at the next game) per week.

Did I mention that soccer starts on Friday??

Konnor & I went to baseball practice last night for the first time. Konnor is on the go so much, that I was concerned of how he would do at the baseball field. To my surprise, he did wonderful!!!

Konnor "playing" baseball with his brothers team

He went strait to the dugout and found himself a helmet, bat ( that was way to heavy) and a ball. We were there for 45 minutes or so, and as long as he felt like he was playing, he was fine. Beware, do not stand behind a toddler with a bat! Konnor helped his dad put the basepads down, and stretched out with the team. My favorite part was when he put on the catchers helmet and said he was ready to play football. Ha ha..because of the face mask portion, he was slightly confused!

I have always loved sports practices!! The kids are so cute, and I love to see how "green" they are in the beginning and how the improve over the season. This is where there personalities show and where friendships begin. I also like seeing my "mom" friends. The moms who take thier children to practice and stay are usually the ones that I most identify with because they are typically the ones who sit and yell as loudly as I do.

I remember being maybe 10 or 12 and going to a yellowjacket game to watch my nephew play. My step-sister, Wendy, would whoop and hollar and cheer him on. If you could not hear her, then you were deaf! I asked once, why she yelled so loudly? She laughed at me, and said "Whats the point of cheering on the team if they can not hear you?" I am not sure why this memory stuck with me since I did not often get to watch the boys play, but it did and I remembered it when it was time for my own son to begin his sports playing journey.

My friend, Jenny, reminds me alot of Wendy. She is out there on the field with the kids whenever she can be. While Konnor streched out with the team, or watched them stretch with confusion as to what they were doing, we had a chance to talk.

Since, I am focusing on my nutrion while I can not exerise she gave me some nutrition information from Dr. Oz. I love Dr. Oz!! He has a sincere passion for people that you do not find in alot of television doctors.

I read 5 fat busters for 5 body types from the Dr. Oz website. I thought this is definatetly something I can do! So, in a seperate blog post I will outline more specifics but I thought this was a good article to read and wanted to share with other since it was shared with me!! I am super excited because the belly buster recipe has three things I LOVE: eggs, cheese and bread!! So, I can make this happen! Plus, with it having eggs and cheese on it, it fills the protien requirement for my gastric bypass nutrition.

So, baseball practice had us all learning something yesterday! I just wish Dr. Oz would tell me what to do with a toddler who wanted to eat only pizza?!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Three weeks?! Your Kidding me Right?!

Last night was a torturous night. My ribs were excruciatingly painful, I was nauseous from the pain. Since I had my gallbaldder removed in 2009, my threshold for pain is extremely low. As I was deciding whether crying was worth the pain it would further inflict, I heard Konnor let out a blood curddling scream. I reacted as any mother would and jumped out of bed, and was met with pain that caused me to yelp with pain. This in turn called Rod to come thundering down the hallway to find out what all the frantic commotion was about!

It was 2 am on the clock

At 4:30 am the only person sleeping in our house was Korbin.

By 7 am, Konnor had been awake for 5 long hours and my eyes were blurry and my back was screaming as Konnor climbed into my lap asking "Toy Story watch Buzz Light and Cowboy". I walked dizzily over the the other couch were Rod snoozed and told him that I HAD to close my eyes before Korbins alarm went off in 25 minutes!

Sometime between the beginning of Konnors nightmare and putting in Toy Story, I went to the kitchen and took two of Rod's Alieve. I do not take NSAIDs because of the possiblity of ulcers or bleeding in the "pouch" or new stomach created by my surgeon during my gastic bypass. Yet, in my determination to relieve some pain from my throbbing upper torso, I took some. It did indeed, take the edge of the pain enough for me to lay on the couch for 25 minute and sleep.

The mornings activities were a complete blurr but somehow Korbin got to school with a lunch and matching clothes on time.God is good!!!

Next on the agenda, Rod was to read to the second grade and me going to the doctor. I inadvertantly schedule the two things at the same time, so I was force to take Konnor with me. He finally took a short nap from 8:30 to 10:30 but was not a happy camper when I had to wake him to take him to the doctor with me.

Nor was the doctor happy that I was lifting on Konnor. But motherhood does not stop for an injury. I had tried to take Konnor with me to read one time at the school, and well..

Rod could definately not take Konnor with him today, nothing gets accomplished!! But the kids do think he is cute and he definately loves all the attention!!

So, because of the motherhood occuption, I can expect the healing to take longer than the doctor in the ER had orginally told me..up to 30 DAYS!!!But I was a little exsaperated with that diagnosis to say the least! He also said, I should feel marketable inprovement by week #3 and can begin to walk 15 minutes at a time by that point! No running until I can tolerate walking 15minutes twice a day and I can increase exerise activity as needed.

THREE WEEKS!! Surely, he was kidding me!! And I asked again?! He smiled kindly and said, he understood what I was trying to accomplish but I really needed to take it easy!

Sigh! One step forward two steps back! Oh well, what can you do?! Maybe I can spend this time working on my nutrition. Right?

(Shh..I do not think I am gonna wait three weeks to walk though!!)

So, as I write Rod is back snoozing on the couch again to get ready for baseball practice at 6pm, and I am thinking that I will be calling it an early night tonight.

Days like this remind how how truly blessed and thankful for a few things:
-Doctors who are availible to see me
-Pain medication
- Cuddly boys
- A warm blanket
-Alarm Clocks
- Warm Showers
-Bright Eyes and Big Smiles
-A DVD Player



Monday, April 16, 2012

What do you marvel at?

I woke up this morning after having an amazing dream.. Rod came home from work with a bunch of beautiful yellow and purple tulips, and we sat down to dinner to discuss our family vacation. Konnor did not get  up from the table and run down the hallway nor did he cry that dinner was not pizza. Then, I glanced at the calendar and notice that something was circled in red( which usually means a bill) and I mentioned it to Rod and he replies " Just pay it. There is money in the bank"  Life was back to normal. I remember feeling so thankful!! Then Konnor called for me, and I had to return to real life. As I put my feet on the floor I remember feeling so sad. I do not dream about touring Europe or winning the lotto or shopping on Rodeo Drive, I dream about things that so many people take for granted. The dream I thought life could be has turned into a nightmare and I am the girl who runs up the stairs to get away from the monster in the horror films that leaves the viewer asking "Why is she running up the stairs. There is no way out!" I feel as if there is no way out, alot.

I attempted to fight the emotional roller coaster that I have been on so many times in the last three years. Then I looked out the window over the sink. Across the street there is a beautiful tree with red buds covering its branches, just behind it is another tree with lime green, almond shaped leaves. This morning the dark clouds rolled behind the two trees, as the clouds threatened to rain. I marveled at the beautiful contrasting colors of the trees and the frowning of the dark clouds behind the happy trees. Then, a sliver of the sun broke through the clouds and it was almost as the weather was mimicking a frowning face attempting not to smile. Just then, the weather broke and God's majesty shown as the sun filled the entire sky even among the dark clouds.

It reminded my of Pastor Mikes message yesterday : Psalm 8 and"What do you marvel at?"

Psalm 8 talks about David praising God with wisdom and knowledge in a poetic reflection that expresses  the wonder of God's majestic and sublime nature. The structure of his peom set to music is in the beginning of praising Gods excellent name. The next is the praise of God from his children the the praise of God the creator of everything that ever was, is, and is to come. Finally ending again, with the praise of God's excellent name. This was an example of what David marveled at.

Pastor said something specific that I was reminded of as I watched nature preform out my window this morning; "Whatever is going on; God alone will get the Glory". Just as the clouds attempted to cover up the sun this morning, reflecting God's love smiling on us in our(my) darkest moments, the devil will do the same to cover up what God is trying to show us in our darkest times.

In  my honesty and humanity, I am so tired; emotionally and physically of being tried and tested that it feels as if I have been on a roller coaster without end for three years. But as I remember God's majesty, He has never truly failled me when I have needed Him the most. When He alone has been my only answer, He has shown up and given to me what I have needed at exactly the right time. It is those moments, I am holding fast too right now when my feelings are not matching up to what my faith is.

Someday, I will look back at these days and be thankful for what they have taught us and it will make paying those bills and going on those vactions so much sweeter!! And these days will be something that I will marvel at. "O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth"

 As I remember the trees, the clouds and the sun this morning I marvel again at how amazing and how great our God is. I pray that He reminds me of this picture that is etched in my mind for days and weeks to come. That Pastors question stays fresh within mymind and heart; What do you marvel at??

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yep! I am cracked!!

I would pay good money to do that (above) with my arms. I have not been blogging much or anything else much because I chose to wrestle with my boys on Easter and suffered two cracked ribs as a result.

They may look sweet, but they are rough!! Oh well!! To hear them giggle the way they did that day, I would do it all over again. I live for those moments we can make memories laughing together. Some of the best memories I have of my mom is being silly and just laughing with her and my sister. I wish I had some of those days back again, I would bottle the time so that when I needed a moment with my mom I could pull it off the shelf and look it side. The feelings, the sounds and sights would envelope me and I would be transported back to those days so that maybe missing her would seem bearable.

So, I have been alternating between heat and ice, pain meds and muscle relaxers and attempting not to lean to the side that hurts the most as I so simple tasks as walk. I kept Korbins spring break week intacted with the help of a few friends, and he went to the zoo. Baseball. And a few play dates. We watched alot of movies though and snuggled with my little assailants and I slept through the pain meds.

My husband stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park, as usual. He always takes such good care of me when I need him to the most. I wish he could understand just how much those moments mean to me! I seem to fail at communicating that and soon life sweeps us away again in the task of living and running the kids here, there and everywhere.

With all that said, running is on the back burner. I may in the next week, begin to walk on the treadmill. If I can get the pain to diminish. Today began well, and now as I sit here and type, I hurt intensely.

I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for another set of x-rays and hopefully so more answers as to why I still hurt so stinkin badly! One step forward, two steps backward. At least I am putting one foot in front of the other even if those footsteps go backward sometimes!!