Reflections of a Wife, Mom & Weightloss Surgery Patient!

What you do and don't do to manage your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you!- Author Elizabeth George

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Three weeks?! Your Kidding me Right?!

Last night was a torturous night. My ribs were excruciatingly painful, I was nauseous from the pain. Since I had my gallbaldder removed in 2009, my threshold for pain is extremely low. As I was deciding whether crying was worth the pain it would further inflict, I heard Konnor let out a blood curddling scream. I reacted as any mother would and jumped out of bed, and was met with pain that caused me to yelp with pain. This in turn called Rod to come thundering down the hallway to find out what all the frantic commotion was about!

It was 2 am on the clock

At 4:30 am the only person sleeping in our house was Korbin.

By 7 am, Konnor had been awake for 5 long hours and my eyes were blurry and my back was screaming as Konnor climbed into my lap asking "Toy Story watch Buzz Light and Cowboy". I walked dizzily over the the other couch were Rod snoozed and told him that I HAD to close my eyes before Korbins alarm went off in 25 minutes!

Sometime between the beginning of Konnors nightmare and putting in Toy Story, I went to the kitchen and took two of Rod's Alieve. I do not take NSAIDs because of the possiblity of ulcers or bleeding in the "pouch" or new stomach created by my surgeon during my gastic bypass. Yet, in my determination to relieve some pain from my throbbing upper torso, I took some. It did indeed, take the edge of the pain enough for me to lay on the couch for 25 minute and sleep.

The mornings activities were a complete blurr but somehow Korbin got to school with a lunch and matching clothes on time.God is good!!!

Next on the agenda, Rod was to read to the second grade and me going to the doctor. I inadvertantly schedule the two things at the same time, so I was force to take Konnor with me. He finally took a short nap from 8:30 to 10:30 but was not a happy camper when I had to wake him to take him to the doctor with me.

Nor was the doctor happy that I was lifting on Konnor. But motherhood does not stop for an injury. I had tried to take Konnor with me to read one time at the school, and well..

Rod could definately not take Konnor with him today, nothing gets accomplished!! But the kids do think he is cute and he definately loves all the attention!!

So, because of the motherhood occuption, I can expect the healing to take longer than the doctor in the ER had orginally told me..up to 30 DAYS!!!But I was a little exsaperated with that diagnosis to say the least! He also said, I should feel marketable inprovement by week #3 and can begin to walk 15 minutes at a time by that point! No running until I can tolerate walking 15minutes twice a day and I can increase exerise activity as needed.

THREE WEEKS!! Surely, he was kidding me!! And I asked again?! He smiled kindly and said, he understood what I was trying to accomplish but I really needed to take it easy!

Sigh! One step forward two steps back! Oh well, what can you do?! Maybe I can spend this time working on my nutrition. Right?

(Shh..I do not think I am gonna wait three weeks to walk though!!)

So, as I write Rod is back snoozing on the couch again to get ready for baseball practice at 6pm, and I am thinking that I will be calling it an early night tonight.

Days like this remind how how truly blessed and thankful for a few things:
-Doctors who are availible to see me
-Pain medication
- Cuddly boys
- A warm blanket
-Alarm Clocks
- Warm Showers
-Bright Eyes and Big Smiles
-A DVD Player



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