Well, today is Wednesday and it has been an interestly, stessful week thus far. Korbin went to spend the night with Rod's mom & dad on Monday night coming home this morning for our summer reading program at the local library.
We left here Monday midday to take Korbin to Rod's mom & dad's. We stayed for dinner and came home in the early evening. Konnor fell asleep in the car, so putting him to bed was very simple. It was nice to drive in the car and be able to talk without answering 1000 questions about everything and anything imaginable. Yet, it felt odd know that the back seat was not as full on the way home as it was on the way there. It is always odd to me, to leave Korbin any place. I like my kids, I enjoy spending time with them and getting to know who they are and when I leave them some place it is like leaving a peace of me behind too. But the conversation with my husband was nice, I love reconnecting with him over something other than finding baseball pants or daiper cream.
After putting Konnor is bed, we came into the living room where Rod jumped on the computer and I sat down to do my devotions. The house was quiet, and it reminded me of how things were when Korb first started kindergarten last fall. I did my devotions, and enjoyed this week's topical study on self-control in the book of Proverbs. As I finished the devotional, I began looking through my bible searching for something.... then I stumpled upon Gensis 50:19-21.
Joseph in the previous verses had just learned his father had died and his brothers, whom had sold him into slavery and told thier father that Joseph had died, was convinced that the only reason Joseph had not repaid them for what they had done to him was because of thier father. So, when thier dad died, they were scared. In Gensis 50: 19-21 Joesph says "Do not be afraid. For am I in the place of God?( meaning: am I God? Should I judge you for your wrong doings?) But as you meant evil against me, God meant it for good.... therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones".
I was so encouraged by this verse that the Lord had shown me!!!!!!!!!!!! It was not by accident that particular verse said " I will provide for you and your little ones". God was meeting my fears head-on, and it brought to me a complete peace to hear from Him. I knew at that moment, as the devil tried to distract me with fear over the fact that we do not have any money coming into our home, God was talking to me through His written word!
Tuesday afternoon, Rod went to apply at a local hardware store for a part-time position that we advertising for and head over to a temp agency. The temp agency immediantly sent him over to a local super-center to apply for a loss prevention associate. What a blessing! We will not know until sometime later, if the super-center is interested in hiring Rod, but it was nice for him just to have the interview! It spoke to my heart that God was indeed working on our behalf!
While Rod was gone, I hade a few minutes to read and I ran across another verse that spoke volumes to me: In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul was writting a letter to a church in the city of Roman where he told them " Rejoice in hope.( be ) patient in tribulation and continue steadfast in prayer". It was almost as if the Lord was saying " See? I hear you, Kristy. I may or may not give Rod this job. But I showed you that I was listening. Rejoice in hope! Be patient in what is going on and continue praying. I am here, I am listening and your answer is on the way!"
My heart sang!
I have so often asked the Lord for big flashing lights to talk to me and tell me what was going on! But God does not work like that, but if we seek Him diligently( what my devotion was about the week prior), then He will hear us and give us the desires of our hearts if it lines up with His will for our lives. It speaks over and over again in the bible about the man being the leader of his home and providing for his family, so we know that it is in God's will for Rod to have a job.
I am looking forward to hearing from the Lord today, through His written word as I seek His answers for our current situation. Until the answer comes, I will keep trudging along... but I know that an answer is indeed coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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