and a baseball hat with Nerf gun adorning mom's A&P textbook.
Also, no food allergy house would not be complete without taking stock of where the epi's are and how many left and came back to the house!
I must admit, I have rather enjoyed walking back in from school, the grocery story or a play date and hearing the dishwasher or seeing the floor had been vacuumed. However, I am not sure that I would ever return of the days of Korbins toddler hood of trying to kill myself in attempts to have a perfectly kept house because that is what a stay-at-home mom is suppose to do, right?
My primary goal and purpose as a SAHM is to make sure my kids and husband are taken care of, not the house. Does that include cleaning the house, absolutely! But that is not me sole purpose and I will not buy into the lie that Satan was feeding me all those years ago. I missed precious time with Korbin them ,and today with being a full time student, I will not rob Konnor of play time/bonding time or my own time with Christ in order to load the dishwasher.
The dishes always get cleaned, the clothes always get washed and dinner always gets on the table. My home is clean, lived in, and I would not have it any other way!
The days will be here all too soon, when I will miss seeing these items scattered throughout my home and I will have all the time in the world to perfect my cleaning abilities and become as organized as Martha. Today, I will take the clutter because it means that my house is a home to amazing little boys who have the privilege enough to have and play with these things. Instead of looking at it as clutter, I wonder if I should view them as treasures? Because like any good treasure hunter movie, the gold is gone for too soon and the hunter is left wondering where it all went. Which is what I am often left wondering about the time that passes by too quickly with the boys. Before I blink too quickly, my boys will be men..sigh..
For now, I will be happy with my lived in home and all the treasure I find all over the house from my little men :)
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